Profitable and Unprofitable Romance
As I was editing this article, I read that
Michael Jackson has started battle between Facebook, MySpace, Bebo users, but what you should consider is the success story of
Bebo, the
social networking website that began from the romantic relationship of
Michael Birch when he met the American brunette Xochi at a college bar in London and their loving relationship produced the idea for Bebo in January 2005 and was bought by
AOL on March 13, 2008 for $850m (£417m)! This is an illustration of the whole point of this topic on profitable and unprofitable relationships.
We have profitable and unprofitable relationships in life.
Some are caused by unforseen circumstances and others are entirely our choices.
The most important priority is to beware of unprofitable relationships and to end any unprofitable relationship.
Whatever you spend your time or money on is an investment.
How you spend it can make you successful or unsuccessful in life.
Your relationship is an investment.
Whether it is important to you or not does not change the fact that it is an investment.
Whether you like it or not, it is an investment.
It is either a good investment or a bad investment of your time and resources.
You need to sit down for once and evaluate or re-evaluate your relationship with the opposite sex.
Is it worth the time and money you are spending on it?
What are the "pros" and "cons" of your love affairs?
Is she worth it?
Is he worth it?
What are you gaining from dating him or dating her?
Sex apart, what is the benefit?
A very well known Christian minister died in a plane crash in Nigeria whilst visiting his other "wife" that was not known to his legitimate wife. His infidelity cost him his precious life and made his innocent children fatherless and miserable.
How many men have been wasting their time and money on extra-marital affairs?
In fact, many childish and foolish husbands have wasted their monthly salaries on pampering their girlfriends or mistresses.
Most girlfriends going out with boyfriends for the financial benefits can claim that they are having profitable relationships.
But are the boyfriends having profitable relationships?
In Nigeria, unprofitable relationships are responsible for the poverty plaguing the majority of Nigerians and making Nigeria one of the poorest countries in the world in spite of the enormous human and mineral resources.
Millions of Nigerian men waste their quality time and financial resources on unprofitable relationships with girfriends who are not contributing anything at all to their succcess.
A well paid Nigerian man often spends more money monthly on his girlfriend than his wife and children.
An unfaithful Nigerian wife spends more quality time and money on her boyfriend than the time and money she spends at home.
A sugar mummy buys a brand new jeep for her younger lover while one of her children needs medical treatment overseas.
A Nigerian husband buys a brand new car for his girlfriend, but his wife has to take public transport buses, taxi cabs and motorbikes to take their children to school and go to the market to buy foodstuffs for the family. She is risking her life daily for the love of her family, but her husband is wasting his life sleeping with a girlfriend whose high-risk behaviour in the city makes her a possible HIV/AIDS carrier.
The list of such unprofitable relationships is endless.
The relationships are useless.
If they confess what they go through in the course of chasing and dating another woman or another man, you would be shocked.
In fact, many of them have died in horrible and terrible ways.
Let me not prolong this issue, because every wise man and wise woman perfectly understands what is profitable and what is not profitable. Therefore, the choice is yours. I am only addressing this issue, because many of us are ignorant of the great damages such unprofitable relationships have done to individuals, families, communities and even to the rest of the country.
Public officials are misappropriating public funds to pamper and "spoil" their unprofitable girlfriends or mistresses who do not pay tax! Who do not even contribute anything to Nigeria than the fact that they are expendable liabilities.
They have been found guilty of breaking up marriages and leaving children in dire straits in broken homes.
They have given birth to millions of illegitimate children Nigeria did not ask or plan for and creating chaos in dysfunctional familities, committing thousands of abortions of unwanted pregnancies as they are perpetrating and perpetuating rampant corruption and wide spread poverty and also spreading contagious diseases all over Nigeria.
The sooner we get rid of these cankerworms, the better and safer we would all be.
If we do not destroy these evils, these same evils will destroy us eventually.
That is why those engaged in these unprofitable relationships in Nigeria must stop now before it too late.
The men should sit them and sum up the time and money they have spent so far on girlfriends who are not adding any value to your life.
Have you heard of a value-added life?
Any romance that does not add to your life anything of benefit to your family, is unprofitable and not worth it.
End it now.
Mama needs more attention and welfare at home, and you are here spending your precious time and money on shagging your so called girlfriend we all know would not even touch you with a ten feet pole if you could not afford her price.
Hello bro, wake up!
Can she discuss the routines of your daily log in the office?
Can you really sit down and ask for her advice on that memo you received?
Can she do more for you than going shopping, partying and shagging?
Is she your housekeeper and commercial sex worker or a true helpmate/partner?
You have spent N100, 000, N500, 000 or N1, 000, 000 on chasing and dating girlfriends while you have not contributed anything tangible to your poor village where only N500, 000 can give them a borehole for regular water supply or pay the school fees of poor boys or girls in your church or community.
America was not built on unprofitable relationships!
Go and read the history on how America went through The Great Depression and became a super power.
They spent more time and money on profitable relationships.
We are aping the America of today, but we forget that most Americans have paid their dues to their nation, but most Nigerians have not paid their dues to Nigeria. They are busy destroying Nigeria by their unprofitable ways of life, doing us more harm than good.
Is your relationship doing you more harm than good?
Then it is an unprofitable relationship.
End it and you will have a better and safer life.
How many times have you sat down with your sweetheart to plan for the future?
How to manage your salary?
How to manage your shares and other financial interests?
How to manage your health insurance and life insurance?
How to move on to the next level on the ladder of progress and success?
Has she asked you about any of the above?
Besides the cliché of "How now?", "How was today?" or "I hope you are fine?"
Any dummy can ask similar questions.
Has she asked anything more than that on your progress report at work compared to how many demands she has made for her selfish gratification?
She eats into your budget until your budget is no longer worth it.
She gives you stress until you lose focus and may even have premature hypertension at 35!
Hello bro, wake up!
My sweethearts and aunties need to ask themselves similar questions.
Does he care about your welfare and the welfare of your family?
I know boyfiends who do not even know where their girlfriends live!
They simply pick her up and drop her off after having their so called "Good Time".
I was guilty of this many years ago.
Forget all the lovey-dovey mannerisms, because in most cases they are mere impressionism or a game of wits to see who would outsmart the other eventually.
The lovey-dovey ends the day he has had enough and once to move on to the next target or the day she has had her fill of you and she wants to hook a richer target at first sight.
How much a man cares about you depends not on the time or money he spends on you, but on how much interest he has in your health, education, career, family, security and future.
He must want the best for you and he must prove his love for you by doing his best for you.
If he is not committed to the above top priorities, he does no love you.
End the unprofitable relationship before you are trapped.
"Only the best is good enough for us."
Bishop Samuel Ajayi Crowther