My first love knew me before anyone else
My first love kissed me before anyone else
My first love embraced me before anyone else
My first love knew me even before I was born
My first love comes before everything else.
My first love never makes excuses.
My first love never lies.
My first love does not hold me to ransom.
My first love never curses.
My first love is the reason why I am breathing
My first love is the reason why I am living.
My first love is also my last love
My first love is the deepest and the greatest
My first love is the highest and the sweetest
My first love will never leave me even when all others have left me
My first love will be there for me till the end.
Others come and go
And the sounds of their voices may no longer echo
But my first Love never leaves.
Even if your mortal eyes cannot see
My first love is always there for me.
The name of my first love and my last love is True Love.
For His love is why I live
No matter how time flies
His Love never dies.
His love is everlasting
He is the God of my everything.
I am really never lonely, because I am always in the company of members of my family, relations, neighbours, friends and lovers. But I have found most of them wanting, because they are with me for erroneous and ambiguous agemdas, for the benefits of their relationship with me.
They do not understand the essence of our existence.
They think we only live for the sake of living.
They think we only love for the sake of loving.
They do not know that life is more than the gratification and satisfaction of the mundane.
They do not know that the essence of our existence is divine.
They bargain for everything in life.
They bargain for opportunities.
They bargain for favours.
They bargain for relationships.
In fact, they even want to bargain with God in what I call bargain Christianity.
I often look at humans not in astonishment, because there is nothing surprising about humans anymore.
I simply look at humans in amusement.
They are the most amusing creatures on planet earth.
Most of them think they are smart and wise. But eventually, they begin to manifest their true characteristics and become mere subjects of my writings. I simply tell their stories to teach others the lessons of life, because in most cases, history has shown that humans often do not learn from the mistakes of others or from the mistakes of the past.
They are often misled by their instincts or wits.
I really feel sorry for the species of Homo sapiens on earth, because they have become like chaff in the wind. They are often blown to and fro, according the tides of the times.
They come and go like the seasons.
Every season has a reason.
And every reason has a season.
Time will tell you the truth.
One day, the truth will be exposed before your very eyes like black-eyed peas.
The truth is why many girls and women end up with bruises and black eyes!
When they see that you have what they can get from you, they keep coming. But if they cannot get it, they move on to the next shop.
They are always shopping for one thing or the other.
Yes. I know you know yourselves!
I am talking to you!
How much are you worth?
That you let men take you for a ride and you call it having a good time?
When boys and men take turns on you?
You have even lost count of how many of them have slept with you like dogs on the street.
Who is next?
Many humans are still trading by barter.
They barter themselves in exchange for what they want.
There is, what I call the mathematics of human relationships.
These relationships depend on bargains.
What are the full benefits and fringe benefits?
These humans are mere opportunists of life.
I do not drive them away whenever they come into my private or public life.
I welcome them and do my best to share the knowledge I am sharing now.
My purpose is to make them wiser, so that they would become fulfilled in life and not waste their lives in haste as they are desperate to have what they assume are the trophies of their materialistic world.
They often come in-between my first love and my last love.
Most of them come for selfish reasons.
For their carnal pleasures and worldly treasures. But in most cases they are like empty shells.
Imagine an egg without any yolk.
That is their life without essence.
What they call love is not the Love I know.
Their love is not my first love and my last love.
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