Monday, June 9, 2008

The Sexploitation of Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus

The Sexploitation of Miley Cyrus.

Miley Cyrus, AKA Miley Stewart, "Hannah Montana" cannot wait to turn 16 on November 23 and sow her wild oaths (that is if she has not done so already).
Is Miley Cyrus a virgin?
How can a 15-year-old girl dating a 22-year-old guy still be a virgin in America?
How can a teenage hottie hanging out with Kim Kardashian still be a virgin?
Kim Kardashian, whose only claim to fame is the pornographic home video she sold for five million dollars and as the playmate of Paris Hilton whose sex video also circulated the Internet.

Kim Kardashian in Zoo Magazine

I monitor TV programmes shown on both cable and public TV in Nigeria and there is nothing beneficial to the formative years of children in the Disney Channel Original Series of Hannah Montana. I have never seen Hannah Montana talk about her grades or going to college. What she is often showing is swooning over her boyfriend and kissing him or other silly games.

This is what her father, the country singer Billy Ray Cyrus and Disney Channel Executive Vice President Gary Marsh are using her as a sex object to sell their DVDs and CDs to millions of impressionable and vulnerable teens all over the world. But, they do not care since Miley Cyrus made over $18.2 million in 2007 and will make more from her Breakout CD and DVD be released on July 22, 2008. She can sing "Nobody's Perfect", but that is not a good excuse to turn her into a teenage sex object and corrupt the millions of innocent children watching her on TV.

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