Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Free For You: A National Bestselling Book

I am glad and grateful to share this free offer of free copies of the 212 page, National 1,000,000 bestselling book 'Revolution in World Missions.'

If you yearn to live a life of selflessness and discipleship, this book is for you.

K.P. Yohannan will open your eyes to the reality of the lost world, and introduce you to an army of native missionaries who are winning thousands to Christ in the most unreached areas of the world.

Get this free book now 'Revolution in World Missions.'

Please forward this information to everyone in your address book, and let's get this absolutely free book into the hands of everybody.


  1. cool...will pass it on.


  2. Sweet Keshi,
    I hope you will get your copy first.

    God bless.

  3. I'll be checking this book out. Hopefully I'll be able to find it.



  4. Dear Kyels,
    Just follow the link and get a free copy.

    God bless.
