Sunday, July 9, 2006

Communion of Love

(for my Sweetest)
We stood more in the light than in the darkness
We gazed face to face
We parted our lips in words of happiness.
And we found solace in the warmth of our embrace.

Come my sweetest
Come my dearest
Come and taste the nectar of heart of hearts
The sweetest essence of our existence.

Give me nothing more than love.
For love is the elixir of life.


  1. Lovely Poem.
    Nice one Orikinla

  2. Queen,
    It's a work in progress and I just wrote the first verses on the spur of the moment as I was thinking of my sweetest experience of romance.

    God bless.

  3. I like that poem. Your romance must be very sweet.

  4. Tony,
    really thrilling as at present.

    God bless.

  5. Love is the shining light in a dark world.

    God is love.
