Wednesday, May 17, 2006

To Keshi With Love

I have been waiting in the wings
In the wings of time
I listen even as the bell of time rings
And as the wedding bells chime
I hear the velvet voice of Sappho as she sings
And I have only my love rhyme to mime.

I have been waitng for so long
To sing you this my love song.

For until we find our true love, we can never find rest
For the restless heart cannot be content
Until we find the true love of our mutual consent
As you see the desire of my heart on my chest.

Come my beloved turtle dove
Take my heartstrings to Keshi with all my love.


  1. awwww this is so TOUCHING! I had my jaw dropped as I arrived in ur blog lol! SO VERY SPECIAL!

    Thanks so much Orikinla! Im stoked...and will be so for the whole day! :):)

    btw some very beautiful pics there to go with those beautiful words...


  2. Keshi,
    if only you will be humble enough to ask God to open your eyes to see me as God sees me. Then, you will see what your eyes have never seen before in the heart of another man.

    if only you could see through me.

    God bless you my Lily of the Nile.
