Friday, May 12, 2006

Happy Birthday Queen of the Nigerian Blogosphere!

Queen (Ime) Inih Ebong

I never knew you when you were sweet sixteen
I only got to know you when you were seventeen
And today I am so happy to see you turn 18!

Queen (Ime) Inih Ebong, I love to see your flashing smiles
Making your beautiful ebony face to shine from a million miles
Black, bold and beautiful African queen
You are so pretty and so fine
Looking so radiant in the African sunshine.

I thank God for the day you were born
For birthdays are made in heaven.
Here is my toast to you my lovely Queen!


  1. Thanks so much Orikinla for making ma day
    God bless u

  2. Cheers!

    I hope you had a great time yesterday?

    God bless you always.

  3. Hey Queen, Happy Belated Birthday to you!

    And holla Michael!


  4. Thanks so much Kyels.
    It feels so good to be 18. I am really loving it.

    Orikinla, U have always made ma day.

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