Monday, December 26, 2005

Ten Seconds To Eternity

If I have only ten seconds to live
And God gives me the chance to make my last wish
I will only ask for one thing.
I will ask God to let me love only you forever.

Even if you are the only one left in the whole universe
I will be happy just being with you forever
Because, you are my heart and my soul
You are the only one on my mind ten seconds to eternity.

Quite a lot really. Ten seconds may only be a fraction in a span of a day. In the realm of the World Wide Web though, those ten seconds is an eternity.


  1. Hi,

    Tks for leaving comments on my blog. It says from your profile that you're a producer for tv,music and film. What are the various films or music have you produce?

  2. Thank you for this post. It is truly love always is.

    Thank you for commenting on my blog re: a new template. I will certainly look into your friend's site, but with a 7 month old at home money is a bit on the tighter side. But I will keep it in mind for the better days ahead. Thank you again. *hugs*

    God Bless.

  3. love... plays an important role in my life but I'm still working very hard to know what exactly is love... thanks so much for leaving comments on my blog... hope to hear from you sooner... it seems as though we are also still searching for what is important to us

  4. Landismom,
    merci beaucoup!
    I believe in God that you are going to excel and discover greater things of great benefits in the coming years and I wish you all the best in all your goals.

    I wish you a glorious New Year 2006 and may you have good news for us all.

    Michelle Lee would have been able to oblige and do as much as she could for you. Please, still contact her.

    You are a lovely young woman and I pray that our Almighty Father God Who made it possible to know you will continue to bless you more and more and make you an awesome blessing to others in 2006 and the coming years as we do our best to make the world a better place for everyone who believes in love, justice and peace.

    God bless you and I.

    I love you.

  5. This is a wonderful poem. I love the title and the way you place the words. :)


  6. This poem is an excellent piece! Beautiful title and a perfect read.
    Thanks for your comment on my poem "Fragrant Christmas" in my blog. I also thank you for the inspiring email you wrote me.I am not sure if you received my reply to your email.
    I am not a published writer yet but I hope to reach the hearts and minds of the people with my words someday. At present,I am working towards publishing my poems and artworks in magazines. Any suggestions you have for me are more than welcome! Thanks for reading my work.
