Sunday, August 7, 2005

My Soul Brother Keziah Jones

My Soul Brother Keziah Jones

Once upon a time
In a foreign clime
Where the snowflakes fall
And the snowman stands in front of the White Hall
Where the lounge lizards nod at the wallflowers
And the old maids still daydream of bridal showers.
I met you walking tall
Arm in arm with the belle of the ball.
They called you the Don Juan of the disco
But, I told them that you are still my soul brother, Omo Eko.


  1. hey, i really appreciate that comment you left me...i truely don't mean to offend you with my teasing! :)

  2. Thanks for showing up on my comments(Being and non being). It's rare I get any feedback. I responded a bit to your comment...but dogs!? I will check out your soul bro...

  3. Musophrenia your poetry is like the cornucopia of euphoria.

    I have just added you to the sacred communion of my muses.

    You are an inspiration.
