Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Three Maidens of My World

Europe Supported By Africa & America By William Blake.
(Engravings for J. G. Stedman, Narrative, of a five years' expedition, against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the Wild coast of South America; from the year 1772, to 1777. Published in London, 1796.)

"The imagination is not a State: it is the Human existence itself."
~ William Blake

Do not mistake my enchanted maidens
No.They are not your own sirens.
As my muses are not your fallen angels.
And they are not your houris with jingling bells.
For I have no portion in your hadith
For your hadith is alien to my faith.

Behold my awesome troika
Nefertiti, Venus and Pocahontas
The beautiful daughters of God
The beloved muses of my world.