Friday, August 29, 2008

Nadia Buari Graces the First Edition of Supple Magazine in Nigeria

The beautiful and radiant Ghanaian star actress Nadia Buari is the cover girl of the new Supple magazine published in Nigeria.

The magazine has a unique style that makes it different in both concept and format. The cover is clear and simple.

The first edition is filled with interviews with Nadia Buari, Christabel Momodu, the ebony black beauty who is the current Miss French Village in Nigeria, the Nigerian fashion designer Frank Osodi, and the Nigerian movie star Emeka Enyiocha. The Hollywood actress VĂ©ronique Pierre is writing the Hollywood Insider column. The features are on controversial issues on why career ladies have problems with getting hitched, how to keep your man from late nights, fashion, entertainment, motivation, family and life style, career couselling, Arts and culture, a touching love story and so much more.

Supple is circulated all over Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa with over 144 million people. The major distributors are in Lagos, Abuja, Calabar, Port Harcourt, Umuahia and Awka.


  1. Orikinla,
    I want to believe that this is just one of your many success stories.Congratulations and more grease to your hardworking elbow.

  2. Austyn,
    Thank you very much for your words of encouragement.

    I hope you are fine!

    I am presently in Lagos as a media consultant for Supple magazine.

    Cheers and God bless.

  3. I agree with you on the cover.

    I hope I'll stumble at it one day.

  4. That is one fine girl.
    Orikinla, how you doing?

  5. Thank you Aloofar.
    It is quite challenging to venture into publishing a magazine in Nigeria.


    I have been on your poetry blog whenever I was drawn by the Muse.
    My blogs are going commercial and I am in Lagos to discuss with prospective investors.

    Cheers and God bless.
