Friday, February 15, 2008

Send Thanks For A Great Valentine's Day

Send Thanks For A Great Valentine's Day

Thanks For A Great Valentine's Day [Feb 15]
I have to thank the ladies for a great Valentine today. This morning I walked in the door and all of them surprised me with the biggest Valentine I've ever seen! I mean, it was humongous! Everyone signed it just to cheer me up. I think the main organizer was Donna. I bet she got the message from my newsletter about the baby shower. Maybe she heard from Megan about how down I was.

Well, whatever it was, I'm not complaining. It was really nice of them to cheer me up and have some fun around the office. I might not have a significant O but hey, I have all these lovely ladies cheering me up. And I'm totally open for the market! I guess it all depends on your outlook. If you're down and depressed this VDay season, DON'T BE! Just because you don't have someone doesn't mean you don't have friends. They're good for all seasons, and not just a day in the year. Besides, Valentine's Day is overrated. So, pick yourself by the bootstraps and thank your friends for being there for you through thick and thin. Stop focusing on yourself and start appreciating what you have--well, that's what I'm telling myself anyway.

Saying I Love You

Saying "I love you," is more than just those three little words. It's your whole being, your actions that really count. You didn't think I forgot to tell you about Kate and Jeffrey's romantic weekend did ya? I'm saving the best for last, ha ha! Jokes apart, what Jeffrey proposed to Kate was really, really romantic. You have to know the whole story. First off, he called her and told her that he was sick. Our Kate of course went nuts. She wanted to get chicken soup for the fellow, she wanted to be there and care for him and so on... So she rushed to his place, and what did she find?

Rose petals! Ya, you read it right, a trail of rose petals that went from the door to the dining room. The whole place was lit with candles. "Warm, glowing, orange candlelight," according to her. Kate had this weird glow and a grin on her face when she told us all about it at our Monday catch-up dinner. The chef Jeffrey, maestro of love, was ready with dinner. I mean this guy must've read every book on how to keep a lady happy. He can play music, he can cook, AND he has all the right moves! I'm thinking of taking classes from him! So they had their dinner and he told her that he's really head over heels for her and that he really, really loved her. "I don't know about you, but I want to be exclusive with you," the real love doctor explained, "if you need time to think about it I understand. I'm just letting my feelings be known now, so that we're clear." Of course our Kate was breathless.

What did she answer back? Stay tuned for next week's edition of the Kate-Jeffrey love saga!

Until then, here's a moment of Zen to keep you busy, there's an old proverb my granddad used to say, "People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime." I'm really glad for Kate. It reminds me of the early days when Aaliyah and I used to date. I was as crazy as Jeffrey then, I still am...

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Peace and love,

Editor, 123 Greetings.

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