Sunday, October 14, 2007

World's Richest People: Homes of Billionaires

Matt Woolsey's story in the Forbes on the awesome palatial homes of billionaires is worth reading.

He tells us about the $56 billon man Bill Gates' 66,000-square foot compound built into a Medina, Wash., hillside, the home outside Seattle, has a 1,000-square foot dining room, domed roof library with secret chambers, 60-foot pool and five acres of space could host quite a launch party for future editions.

The London home of steel baron Lakshmi Mittal, ranked No. 5 on our list, is tucked between Kensington Palace and the Sultan of Brunei's spread. In 2004 Mittal paid $128 million for the townhouse, the highest single-home buy of all time, and situated in what is known as "Billionaire's Row." Mittal's mansion has garage space for 20 cars and is embellished with marble taken from the same quarry that supplied the Taj Mahal.

Just click on the title for more.

See the pictures.


  1. See u at Keshis blog
    where u been Ori?

  2. Ori bori mori hows u? :)


  3. Jim,
    I have never gone away.
    Keshi knew I was posting on my forums. But she preferred blogs and she ignored my forums.

    I think Keshi wants to be pampered.

    Sweet Keshi,
    You are speaking in tongues?
    What's the meaning of "Ori bori mori"?
    I love the poetic rhyme though.:)

    Cheers and God bless.

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