Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Untold Love Life Of A Bodyguard of Prophet Muhammad

I saw Aishah Bint Talha without her veil.

"Unveil Me My Love" is the love story of one of the captains of Prophet Muhammad in Arabia. He was loved by the leading ladies of Islam whilst he was in love with Aisha bint Abu bakr the beloved youngest wife of the prophet. But he later gave up his quest for Aisha and returned to his homeland Abyssinia where he abandoned Islam and became a Christian.

This is perhaps the first historical romance written by an African on the last days of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

I won't say anything more until you read it first and you tell me what you think.

"Unveil Me My Love"(Hardcover)
by Orikinla Osinachi

$2.00 Download
$16.79 Hardcover Print