Thursday, July 21, 2005


In 624 AD, The Prophet Mohammad announced the Jihad–or holy war: “I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them. .. slay them wherever ye catch them….”

I got a suicide note yesterday
It was from your brother Mustafa
He is going to blow himself up on Sunday.
He mentioned somewhere in Gaza.

But why?
Why should I lose my future brother inlaw
Because, of an erroneous heretic flaw.
Oh, Sunniya. Don't cry.

I told you that I am God sent
To tell all of you to repent
Lest you will all perish
If you don't denounce this your satanic death-wish.

If you don't make peace,
You will be blown up in pieces.
That is why I must marry you before it is too late
To save you from their terrible fate.

Have you read the "Satanic Verses"?
By that Salman Rushdie?
I won't read that rubbish.
You call that classic, rubbish?

Now. Look at what happened in London two weeks ago.
Were those suicide bombers not satanic?
They were.
Good answer. Because, they must have read the "Satanic Verses."
That made them to lose their senses.

Do you like "Guns and Roses"?
What do you like?
I like kisses and roses.
That's my girl.
Come my darling.

Only cowards commit suicide.
Because, the brave will never give up.
No matter the hatred in this fair and foul world.
Let us learn to live in peace and to love ourselves.

I am God sent to save all the daughters of Hagar
From the nemesis of their fate
To wipe off the curses of the satanic verses
From their black slate.
To bring them the good news
That I have heard from the pulpit to the pews
The good news of the kingdom of God
The God who does not approve of any jihad.
Because, the one and only true God
Is not the god of suicide bombers
The one and only true God is the God of peace makers.



    The missing element in every human 'solution' is an
    accurate definition of the creature. The way we
    define 'human' determines our view of self, others,
    relationships, institutions, life, and future. Important?
    Only the Creator who made us in His own image is
    qualified to define us accurately. Choose wisely...
    there are results.

    Human is earth's Choicemaker. Psalm 25:12 He is by
    nature and nature's God a creature of Choice - and of
    Criteria. Psalm 119:30,173 His unique and definitive
    characteristic is, and of Right ought to be, the natural
    foundation of his environments, institutions, and re-
    spectful relations to his fellow-man. Thus, he is orien-
    ted to a Freedom whose roots are in the Order of the
    universe. selah

  2. Thanks James,

    This poem on the allegory of Sunniya is a mystery that just came into fruition.
    There are many Sunniyas who are afraid to come out of her.
    The poems in this allegory are dedicated to every Sunniya and every Sunniya this allegory is talking about knows herself.
    The daring deviant daughters of the veil. They are ready to dare the devil behind the veil.
