Play with a puppy (or kitten)" is just one of 10 ways to make your 2010 a more hopeful year. For the complete list of hopeful tips visit (PRNewsFoto/Hope Is In The Cards) PHOENIX, AZ UNITED STATES
28 Dec 2009 13:00 Africa/Lagos
10 Ways to Create a More Hopeful 2010 (and Most of Them are Free)
PHOENIX, Dec. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- 2009 was not an easy year. Here are a few ideas to help make 2010 a better year for you, your friends and family, and perhaps even the world.
E-mails and text messages are no match for a heartfelt, handwritten message. Mail a REAL card or note to someone, right now. And if you don't know someone who needs a lift, then simply write the word HOPE on the back of anything you mail.
2. Shop Local
Pick three local businesses. Spend $50 with these neighborhood enterprises instead of a national chain. You don't add anything to your budget, and you help keep small businesses going.
3. Read To A Child
You feel great, the child feels great, you promote learning and education and it's just plain fun to do.
4. Play With A Puppy (or a kitten)
A visit to your local animal shelter or pet store is all it takes. If you know your zip code, go online and find a fuzzy friend nearby.
5. Get Inspired
Loren Gelberg-Goff's internet radio show, Loving The Life You're In, serves up a weekly dose of positive, upbeat tips and conversations with some of the world's most interesting guests and experts.
6. Thank A Soldier
These people put their lives out there to serve our country. Let them know you'll be happy when they're home again.
7. Give Something Back
Ditch TV for one hour and serve a meal at a shelter. Drive someone to an appointment. Paint over some graffiti. That hour will be treasured far longer than any sitcom.
8. Turn Everything Off For 5 Minutes
TVs, stereos, iPods, computers, lights, clocks, the heat....everything. The quiet, the thoughtfulness, the lack of does wonders.
9. Go Outside
There is something inspiring outside -- even if it's just a weed in a crack on the sidewalk. Think about it -- with nothing but rain and sunshine and the ickiest bits of dust and dirt, that weed broke through concrete! If a little plant can do it, so can you.
10. Spin
In your office chair. In the elevator when no one else is in there. Outside. Nothing so easy can make you feel so 8 years old again. And when you were 8, anything was possible.
It still is.
Have a happy, hopeful New Year.
Photo: AP Archive: AP PhotoExpress Network: ADD PRN# PRN Photo Desk, Source:
CONTACT: Russ Haan of Hope Is In The Cards, +1-602-318-8958,
Web Site:
Oprah Winfrey blazed a trail for women to get their own talk shows -- and now she’s blazed a trail for women to move on from their talk shows. Want proof? Tyra Banks announced today that she's ending her time on the daytime TV circuit. The Tyra Show will go the way of The Oprah Winfrey Show after it wraps its fifth season this spring.
"I’ve been loving having fun, coming into your living rooms, bedrooms, hair salons for the past five years," Tyra told PEOPLE. "My next huge steps will allow me to reach more women and young girls to help us all feel as fierce as we truly are."
As for what, exactly, those "huge steps" will be, the word is she's setting her sights on Hollywood via her own film production company, Bankable Studios. An "industry insider" told PEOPLE her aim will to be to bring "positive images of women to the big screen."
Hair Styling Tips by Celebrity Stylist Joey Nieves On How Guys Can Achieve Girl-Approved Hair for 2010
CHICAGO, Dec. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- A bad hair day should worry guys. A recent survey by AXE of more than 2,000 girls finds that three in four (74%) say hair ranks among the first things they notice about a guy. But AXE, the leader in men's grooming, provides the solution - five shampoos and one conditioner for a clean look she'll notice and soft, touchable hair; and five styling products to choose from to give them an edge in the mating game.
To view the multimedia assets associated with this release, please click:
To help guys gain girl-approved hair, celebrity stylist Joey Nieves offers his top tips for avoiding common hair errors. As the celebrity stylist to some of the top stars in the music business, Nieves knows guys have specific hair problems. Their scalps tend to be oilier and they sweat more than girls, leading to different shampoo needs. Guys also commit specific hair styling errors -- think gunky, crunchy, poufy, flaky -- that turn girls off. AXE Hair was created specifically to alleviate these problems.
"Guys have shorter hair that needs a stronger holding product to provide style, but you don't want too much hold that leaves hair crunchy or stiff," advises Nieves. "Guys also tend to use their fingers rather than a comb or brush to style and restyle their hair. AXE Hair products let guys handle that easily. And because AXE Hair holds without all the hard gel, girls will find their guy's hair soft and touchable."
Here are a few of Joey's top hair tips for guys:
Scrub Hair Clean for a Fresh Start: Guys should shampoo and condition their hair every day. If they don't wash their hair every day, but do reapply hairstyling products every morning, they risk overloading their hair with products. Their scalp won't "breathe."
-- If they suffer from hard, crusty, over-gelled hair, a definite turn-off for girls, they should try AXE Deep Clean Shampoo + Hair Scrub. If features rock crystals and removes the gunky product build-up and oil blocking guys' game. -- If you use a lot of product in your hair, chances are your hair may be dry, coarse and brittle. You simply cannot over-condition curly hair, and using AXE: Just Soft Conditioner leaves hair soft and touchable. Many guys think using conditioner is just a girl-thing. But as men's scalp and hair differ from women's, using a women's product isn't recommended. -- For everyday care, keep things simple with one cool product such as AXE 2 in 1 Shampoo + Conditioner. It's great for a home shower or to carry in the gym bag!
Find Your Girl-Approved Look: A guys' hair should fit his lifestyle and personality. Whether you want a no-fuss style or a look that unleashes your creativity and gets the right girl in your life excited about your hair, achieving a terrific end look is all about finding the right styling product and having proper communication with your barber or hairstylist.
-- Before getting a new haircut, consult with your barber or stylist to craft a look that works with your face shape, hair type, hair texture and lifestyle. -- While the right cut is the first step to a stylish look, being informed about hair maintenance and the right styling products will take any look to a an entirely new irresistible level. -- Check out the full line of shampoos, conditioners and styling products from AXE Hair designed specifically to create hair that guys want and girls love. -- Remember: Hair is one of the most important contributors to your image, and the right style and products will have girls begging to run their fingers through it.
Style the Versatile Fringe: Guys looking for a new style should try the Fringe, keeping their hair longer on top, shorter on the sides - that cut will offer some of the most versatile and fun looks. While the fringe is cut to bring hair from the temples and crown toward the forehead, the overall effect depends largely on using the right styling product to create a rugged texture. It can look sophisticated when smoothed down and fun when spiked up.
-- For a sophisticated look, use AXE Smooth & Sophisticated Look Shine Pomade that gives long-lasting shine and control for a smooth, polished look. -- For a spiked-up style, use a product such as AXE Spiked-Up Look Putty that gives your hair hold without all the hard crunch of gel. -- Whether you use a straightening iron or enjoy naturally straight hair, a great guy fringe is all about texture. To achieve that stylish forward fringe, the AXE Messy Look Paste gives hair a messy, just-out-of-bed look she'll want to run her hands through.
Condition Your Curls: Some guys feel like they're fighting a losing battle when combating the frizz, high-volume and general wildness associated with curly hair, but when cared for properly, it can be their most striking feature!
-- To start, use a scalp-friendly shampoo and conditioner designed for men like AXE Hair Clean and Control 2 in 1 Shampoo + Conditioner. It features a hydrating Kukui blend that cleans and keeps guys' hair under control. A luscious head of curly locks definitely can prove a head turner for girls.
About AXE
AXE, the leader in men's care, is an iconic personal care brand around the world that helps guys look, smell and feel their best. The Unilever-manufactured brand is available in a line of deodorant bodysprays, deodorant and antiperspirant sticks, shower gels and hair care products. AXE is the No. 1 men's grooming brand in the U.S., excluding shaving hardware and achieved this status only seven years after launch. Including deodorant bodysprays, AXE is the largest men's deodorant brand in the U.S. AXE shower gel, launched in 2005, reached No. 1 status five months after hitting shelves.
The brand's mission is to help guys get the girl with grooming products that reflect individual personality and lifestyle. For more information, visit
Top-Grossing Films and Publisher Successes Mark 2000-2009 as Decade of the Pulps
HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Dec. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- Pulp fiction is back as entertainment, according to box office and publishing reports. America's fascination was evidenced with Hollywood's top-grossing films for the first decade of the 21st century, of which 8 of the top 10 were either stories written during fiction's golden age in the 1930s, 40s and 50s like Lord of the Rings or based on heroes from that time as in Batman: The Dark Knight, Spider Man 1 and 2 and Star Wars Episode 3, garnering well over $3,200,000,000 in the US alone. While in publishing, L. Ron Hubbard's multi-genre pulp fiction series, "Stories from the Golden Age," Walter Gibson's "The Shadow" and Lester Dent's "Doc Savage" all saw marked increases in distribution and sales in traditional and non-traditional outlets.
Pulp classics date back to the 1930s and 40s - the time known as the Golden Age of Pulp Fiction and the last period that America faced both an economic collapse and multiple wars.
Hollywood-based Galaxy Press alone reported a 500% sales increase spurred by a strong domestic demand from the library, education and transportation markets since the launch of its line of 80 pulp fiction print and audio books by pulp master L. Ron Hubbard.
"It's clear that these audiences are looking for high-action entertainment with a broad appeal to readers of all ages - including readers who need to see the story take off right away," said John Goodwin, president of Galaxy Press, publishers of the Stories from the Golden Age ( book series.
"During the 1930s and 40s, America was going through the Great Depression, war had just finished, and another was looming," Goodwin said. "Americans needed an escape and the pulp writers - at least the very good ones like Hubbard, Gibson, Dent and Burroughs - provided that desperately needed outlet."
Pulp fiction characters, like the stories, were bigger than life and that is what appealed to the 30,000,000-plus readers caught in harsh economic times. America needed and wanted heroes and the pulps provided them. Adventure House publisher, John Gunnison, a Maryland-based republisher and distributor of pulp fiction (, understands why Hollywood is so enamored with pulp fiction, stating, "There's no better heroes than the pulp heroes."
"For a few decades," Goodwin added, "Americans didn't need their heroes with America's global expansion, housing, technology and Internet booms - who needs a hero to save you if you're not in danger?"
Based on film success and publishing numbers, America's love for heroes and desire to see them win has definitely returned.
For more information on L. Ron Hubbard and Stories from the Golden Age go to
Source: Author Services, Inc.
CONTACT: John Goodwin, +1-323-466-3310,
The famous thriller novelist James Hadley Chase called one of his bestselling novels, “You're Dead Without Money`” Emmanuel now knew what he meant by that title, but he would rather say, you are lonely without money, because, in a capitalist state, you are handicapped without money. Money is a meal ticket. Money opens doors and money pulls crowd. Without money, you are disregarded and treated like a beggar.
Emmanuel was all alone in his squalid bed-sitting room in Onike, a suburb in Lagos city. He was lying on his back in bed, gazing at the ceiling. He was seeing many things of different forms, shapes and sizes. They were images of his distorted visions as he was contemplating his thoughts. He was wondering why none of his so called buddies and girlfriends cared to visit him. Why? Was it because he did not give them any gifts in cash or kind? He was flat broke and could not even afford an ordinary greeting card. In fact, he was so broke that he could not even afford a meal on Christmas Day. He had only water to offer anyone who would visit him today.
He had been jobless for the past twelve months living on credit and charity, borrowing and sorrowing in self-pity and he owed over fifty thousand naira. His landlord was threatening to eject him before the New Year. He said his eviction was long over due, because he had not paid his rent for over a year now. His debts were his worst nightmares. Everyone on his street knew he was a debtor. He had become the byword of his neighborhood. The laughing stock of many people who knew him when he was enjoying himself as a well paid banker. They were now making fun of him, since he had become the object of their derision. Most of his so called friends seemed to have forgotten to visit him for months and some of them were avoiding him like a plague. Especially the girls who flocked to him when he was working as a senior clerk at the Lagos City Bank (LCB) and always looked well-fed and well dressed in suits and traditional African attires in vogue. Then he was the toast of many girlfriends who always visited to dine and wine with him, watch the videos of the latest movies and listen to the CDs of the popular psychedelic music blaring from his CD player. The landlord made him the caretaker of the tenement and his neighbors always welcomed him gladly with open arms and broad smiles of appreciation. But now he was an eyesore to them. Poverty had turned him into a pauper. He was now tired of borrowing or begging for a living. His television set, video player and CD player were gone. He sold them to pay some of his debts and buy some foodstuffs. He also sold most of his fancy clothes to make ends meet. His wardrobe was more or less empty. He had only two worn shirts, two pairs of over-worn faded trousers, a pair of over-worn leather slippers and pair bathroom slippers. He was feeling comfortless and hopeless. He was even ashamed to go to church.
So this is life. I have learnt my lessons. Where are all my so called friends now? The Big Boys Club, my sweethearts Ronke and Diana? They don’t visit me anymore. Only Mama Wande remembered to give him a plate of rice and stew with a piece of chicken and a bottle of iced soda. That was in the morning. He ate half of the food and kept the remaining half for the evening. God bless Mama Wande, the kind woman of all seasons and unlike the others who would only give you something in response to what you have given them or what you have done for them. C’est la Vie. Such is life.
These painful thoughts were festering thorns in his tender heart. He was having headaches. Poverty can cause hypertension. But what would a poor man do? Wallow in self-pity of his abject poverty? No. He must cheer up.
Imagine a young man of 30 all alone at home and lying in his pajamas in bed on Christmas Day, day dreaming, depressed all because of poverty. What a pity. Even his relatives were not visiting him and since he had not been able to send money to his younger brothers and sisters, he had not heard from them for months. Their letters stopped coming six months ago. He even heard that they always hissed at the mention of his name in their village. He had lost his pride as the Opara (first son) of their parents who had passed away one after the other eight years ago. C’est la Vie. Oh, God! Don’t let these festering thoughts kill me. Have mercy on me. Only the Almighty God could comfort him now. Then he heard the sound of someone knocking at his door. Someone was knocking! Who could be the one? It could be an outsider or a neighbor? Not the landlord. The landlord wouldn’t knock. The landlord would bang on the door, shouting, Emma oh! Open the door! He would say that only visitors should knock and not the landlord, the owner of the house. “Yes. Who is it?” “Angela.”
The sing-song voice shook Emmanuel from his state of melancholy. He recognized the velvet voice of the person knocking at his door. Oh, Sweet Jesus! Angela of all people! Of all his female friends, Angela was the last person he ever expected to visit him! She was from a very wealthy family living in the exclusive area of Lagos called VGC. Her father was a real estate tycoon and her mother was the publisher of a celebrated society magazine called SiSi. He met her whilst attending a seminar at the Eko L’ Meridien Hotel on Victoria Island. She was a Public Relations Manager of the Lagoon Island Bank near the hotel. They were attracted to each other and went to lunch thrice. They exchanged phone calls before she was sent overseas on management transfer. He lost contact with her and gave up the hope of seeing her again. He thought he was dreaming. He rushed to open the door. She was radiant in a silver hat, blue silk gown and white high heeled shoes. She was looking like an angel from the blues. He was dumbfounded, gaping and gasping as he saw her. She stared at him with a smile. He was like a bag of bones in his torn and worn pajamas. He was a pitiable sight. Emmanuel was ashamed of himself. “Oh, God!”
“Emma?’ She called his name as if she was not sure if he was alright. She was startled by his unkempt looks. He was like a man who was suddenly released from the Kirikiri Maximum Prisons. If she had not known him before, his dirty appearance would have turned her off. But she had been warned of his present predicament when she met one of his former colleagues since she returned from America seven days ago. In fact, what she heard moved her to tears. She found his address and told one of her father’s drivers to take her to his residence on the mainland of Lagos. A ghetto in Yaba. Tears trickled to her rosy cheeks as she gazed at him. “Co…com in….si…down,” he muttered, stuttering in embarrassment. She came into his squalid room. He offered her the only wooden chair in the room. She sat down still gazing at him. A shadow of the dashing young man she once fell in love with at first sight for his exotic romantic looks. He became her beau for a couple of months. But her father did not accept him. “An ordinary clerk living in an ordinary one room cannot go out with my first daughter! It is a social embarrassment,” he said and waved off her pleas in dismissal. “Father, I love Emma and he may be only a clerk today, but he could end up as a managing director in a big firm tomorrow. Rome was not built in a day. After all, you told me that you were once a bricklayer,” she defended her choice. “Well, Angela has a point there,” her mother said in support. Her father hissed and bluntly refused to agree with them. He planned her transfer to a company in the United States of America to break up her blossoming relationship with Emmanuel. Then he used his own means to intercept her letters to Emma and he never knew about her whereabouts again. So, Angela did not receive any reply and concluded that Emmanuel was no longer interested in her. She stopped writing. Emmanuel thought she had also disregarded him and forgot about her and faced his quest for survival.
Angela returned from America and discovered the bitter truth of how her father worked against her relationship with Emmanuel. She blamed her father for the present woes of Emmanuel. She made up her mind to elope with him and believed that their love would succeed. “Angie…,” Emmanuel muttered as if he had sore throat. “Merry Christmas,” she said. The greeting was like chocolate melting in his mouth. Emmanuel’s downcast face brightened like someone who was groping in darkness suddenly seeing a flashlight. “Angie. Oh, my Christmas angel,” he enthused. She got up from the seat and embraced him wholeheartedly and did not mind his filthiness. Her sweet smelling perfume refreshed him like water poured on a parched ground in the heat of summer. There were no words to express his feelings as her warm embrace elated his spirits. Emmanuel felt like he was in heaven on earth. Oh, God! She took him out to the beach for a picnic and they spent the Christmas night together in her private quarters in Ikoyi. Emmanuel had never experienced a miracle so magnificent. He simply surrendered to his God sent Christmas angel.
'Twas the Night before Christmas: A video of the holiday classic being read by First Lady Michelle Obama is available at for children and families around the country and world. Children's National has hosted every First Lady since Mrs. Truman. Children's National Medical Center is a national and international destination for children needing specialty medical care, and is located just four miles from the White House. Photo credit: Rick Rinehard. (PRNewsFoto/Children's National Medical Center) WASHINGTON, DC UNITED STATES
24 Dec 2009 05:28 Africa/Lagos
'Twas the Night Before Christmas: First Lady Michelle Obama Reads the Holiday Classic
Children's National Posts Favorite Story on Its Site
WASHINGTON, Dec. 23 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- First Lady Michelle Obama read the holiday classic 'Twas the Night before Christmas by Clement Clarke Moore, during her holiday visit to Children's National Medical Center. A video of the classic story being read by the nation's First Lady is available on the Children's National website, so children and families around the country and world can share the special holiday visit.
First Lady Michele Obama, with daughters Malia and Sasha, along with dog Bo, visited patients and staff at Children's National Medical Center on Tuesday, December 22.
As part of her visit on Tuesday, Mrs. Obama and her daughters read stories to children staying at the hospital who were brought down to the hospital atrium for the annual event.
"It's been a longstanding tradition for First Ladies to visit the nation's children's hospital. We are pleased that Mrs. Obama and her daughters brought such joy to our patients and staff," said Jacqueline D. Bowens, Executive Vice President and Chief Government and External Affairs Officer at Children's National.
The tradition of First Ladies visiting Children's National goes back to First Lady Bess Truman. Children's National Medical Center is located less than four miles from the White House.
About Children's National Medical Center
Children's National Medical Center, located in Washington, DC, is a proven leader in the development of innovative new treatments for childhood illness and injury. Children's has been serving the nation's children for more than 135 years. Children's National is proudly ranked among the best pediatric hospitals in America by US News & World Report and the Leapfrog Group. For more information, visit
Photo: AP Archive: AP PhotoExpress Network: PRN3 PRN Photo Desk, Source: Children's National Medical Center
CONTACT: Emily Dammeyer or Paula Darte, +1-202-476-4500
LONDON, December 22/PRNewswire/ -- Girls Aloud beauty Cheryl Cole is the celebrity most men would like to pucker up to under the mistletoe this Christmas.
Geordie Cheryl, 26, tops off a successful year in which she mentored X Factor winner Joe McElderry by being named the star the nation's hot-blooded males would most like to give a festive kiss.
One in four (25 per cent) of the 1,400 men quizzed put singer Cheryl at the top of their list, knocking Hollywood star Angelina Jolie into second place with 24 per cent of votes.
In third place was TV presenter Holly Willoughby, with one in seven men wishing to share their mistletoe moment with her this year, according to a poll by Lypsyl lip balm(1).
Among the nation's women, Simon Cowell missed the top spot again when it came to kissable men. Just one in five girls said they would like to bump into him under the mistletoe.
The number one Lypsyl mistletoe choice for women was Hollywood heart throb George Clooney who has one in three women round the country wanting to lock lips with him.
Actor Brad Pitt matched his wife Angelina Jolie by coming a close second in the male celebrity poll with 25 per cent of the vote, followed by James Bond hunk Daniel Craig with 15 percent.
Lypsyl, which sells a lip balm every two seconds(2), ran the nationwide survey to launch its Celebrity Lips of the Year contest. People can vote for their favourite celebrity on the brand's Facebook fan page Lypsyl: Love Your Lips and the results will be revealed in February 2010.
A Lypsyl spokesperson said: "The vote for Cheryl Cole as the most kissable celebrity caps a fantastic year for her following her success as a solo artist and X Factor judge. Lypsyl lip balm is an essential in every woman's handbag if they want to have luscious lips like Cheryl's."
Notes to Editors
(1) Survey of 1,423 people by Redshift in December 2009
(2) IRI HBA All Outlets 52 w/e 22 Mar 2008, Unit Sales
North East - Cheryl Cole (24%), Angelina Jolie (9%), Dannii Minogue (6%) - George Clooney (21%), Brad Pitt (15%), Simon Cowell (7%)
North West - Cheryl Cole (18%), Angelina Jolie (15%), Dannii Minogue (6%) - George Clooney (16%), Brad Pitt (16%), Daniel Craig (10%)
Why Are Men Such Dogs?: Psychiatrist Reveals Why Men Cheat and Why Women Believe Their Lies
GREENVILLE, S.C., Dec. 21 /PRNewswire/ -- We hear a new story in the media every month: Celebrities, politicians, and high-profile businessmen cheating on their spouses. With these stories being so common, it's easy for single women to doubt that they could ever have a "happily ever after" ending in their own lives.
Psychiatrist and author of the book Little White Whys: A Woman's Guide through the Lies Men Tell and Why, Dr. Ishmael Major, has heard every crazy story under the sun and shares his insider's view with women. This fun and informative guest can tell your audience the most outrageous lies he has heard men tell to cover their tracks. He can also help the ladies in your audience by sharing the top 3 ways to tell if a guy is lying and by giving women a 10-second test to tell immediately if a man is lying.
Invite Dr. Major to answer:
-- Why should women only believe half of what men say?
-- What are the major red flags women should look for?
-- When should a woman end a relationship?
-- What lies do men tell themselves?
-- Is it possible to find trust and happiness in a relationship?
CREDENTIALS: Ishmael Major, M.D. is a psychiatrist and infidelity expert who has helped thousands of people find happiness within their relationships. His book Little White Whys: A Woman's Guide through the Lies Men Tell and Why reveals the secrets women want to know about why some men lie in relationships. Dr. Major has been featured on NBC News 2 WCBD, WMYA News 13's My 40 TV Morning Show with Victoria Dunkle, The Oakland Tribune, the N'DIGO newspaper, Connections on ETV, On Point With Cynthia Hardy WWDM 101.3 FM, The P.A Bennett Show WGCV, KMBP Mountain Public Radio, KKNW 1150 AM's Chat With Women, and KPAY 1290 AM.
AVAILABILITY: South Carolina, nationwide by arrangement, and via telephone
CONTACT: Dr. Ishmael Major, (904) 254-9643 (SC);;
This release was issued through eReleases(TM). For more information, visit
Source: Dr. Ishmael Major
CONTACT: Dr. Ishmael Major, +1-904-254-9643 (SC),
Launch of Multimedia Documentary Marking the Fifth Anniversary of the Tsunami
- Inspiring documentary featuring interviews with extraordinary survivors - Reuters photography and film of the Tsunami's aftermath - Fully interactive, online multimedia presentation
LONDON, Dec. 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Thomson Reuters Foundation and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) today announced the launch of a new multimedia web documentary -- "Surviving the Tsunami: Stories of Hope" -- produced jointly to mark the fifth anniversary of the worst natural disaster in living memory, the Indian Ocean Tsunami.
Combining powerful imagery by award-winning Reuters photojournalists with eyewitness testimony and interactive graphics, the documentary reveals the strength of the human spirit in the face of catastrophe. These are stories of compassion, hope and dignity.
"Surviving the Tsunami - Stories of Hope" can be viewed at:
The project marks a strengthened partnership between Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, the world's largest provider of news and information, and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the world's largest humanitarian organisation.
Commenting on the documentary Yasemin Aysan, Under Secretary General of the IFRC, said: "The tsunami caused catastrophic and unprecedented damage but also generated incredible levels of spontaneous generosity from ordinary people around the world. We have spent the past five years helping communities to recover and we wanted to produce a true testimony that allows ordinary people affected by the tsunami to tell their extraordinary stories."
Speaking at the launch, Monique Villa, CEO of Thomson Reuters Foundation, said: "This is a hugely inspirational and moving multimedia documentary that reveals the amazing capacity for human beings to overcome tragedy. It draws on the unique experiences of Reuters journalists in one of the most harrowing natural disasters of our time and is a celebration of humanity's spirit and tenacity in the face of adversity."
The documentary follows the success of two award-winning multimedia productions by Reuters, "Bearing Witness" about the Iraq war and "Times of Crisis" about the global financial meltdown.
The launch of the documentary took place alongside the unveiling of Thomson Reuters Foundation's new Emergency Information Service (EIS). The pioneering service has been developed to respond to major natural disasters around the world, with key support from the Red Cross. The Foundation will deploy expert Action-Units of journalists to scenes of major catastrophe where they will seek out, collate and disseminate life-saving information to disaster-struck populations, filling a critical gap in the chain of crisis information.
EIS Action-Units will be staffed by specialist humanitarian-trained Reuters journalists. Upon alert of a major natural disaster, the EIS Action-Units will travel to the affected area and use the most appropriate means of communication -- particularly SMS text messages -- to reach local populations, aid agencies and local-language media. Communities affected by disasters often find themselves cut off from information and aid. A key aim of the EIS is to ensure those affected are not seen merely as victims but as "first responders" who can help shape and manage the disaster recovery process through their own local knowledge and expertise.
"In times of major natural catastrophes, information itself is aid, as crucial as shelter or blankets," Monique Villa said. "Working with key partners such as the Red Cross, the EIS will have teams in the field within hours of a natural disaster striking. The EIS Action-Units will provide reliable, actionable information to help empower survivors to be architects of their own recovery."
Thomson Reuters International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Victoria Brough Paul Conneally Head of External Affairs, EMEA Head of Media and Public Communications + 44 (0) 207 542 8763 +41(0)22.730.4669 / +41(0)79.3089809
Pictures contact: Jassim Ahmad Head of Visual Projects +44 20 7542 2822
Notes to Editors:
1. About "Surviving the Tsunami - Stories of Hope":
The multi-media web documentary is a compilation of Reuters world-renowned photography, tsunami video footage, fresh interviews and interactive graphics.
The documentary is accessible in multiple languages: French, Spanish, Arabic, Bahasa (Indonesian), Hindi, Tamil, Sinhala, Thai, Japanese, Mandarin.
To view the documentary please go to:
High resolution photographs used in the documentary and of editorial reproduction quality available - preview here:
The stories:
Arko Datta, India
A veteran Reuters photojournalist whose quest to find a survivor he photographed five years ago leads to an extraordinary reunion
Dina Astita, Indonesia
A teacher who lost her three children but became an inspiration for others in a village where nine of 10 residents died
Sara Hedrenius Andreasson, Sweden
A tsunami trauma counsellor whose own experiences in another disaster 10 years earlier gave her unique insight into the psychology of survival
Kushil Gunasekera, Sri Lanka
A local philanthropist from one of the worst hit communities in Sri Lanka who narrowly escaped the waves and helped galvanise his village to build itself back
2. About Thomson Reuters Foundation
Established in 1982, Thomson Reuters Foundation is a registered charity in Britain and the United States. The charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, it leverages the skills and expertise across the corporation to increase trust and access to the rule of law, to save lives through the provision of trusted information and to improve standards of journalism.
Following the acquisition of Reuters by Thomson Corp in 2008, the Foundation's resources and programmes were expanded and a new leadership team was appointed. The Thomson Reuters Foundation website,, is a portal which integrates the Foundation's three key areas of focus and brings together the Foundation's community of partners.
3. About The IFRC
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is the world's largest humanitarian network, with tens of millions of volunteers and staff in 186 countries worldwide. It provides help and support to people in crisis without discrimination as to their nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions.
Photo: Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation
CONTACT: Victoria Brough, Head of External Affairs, EMEA, +44(0)207 542 8763,, or Tom Gilbert, Corporate Communications Manager, +44(0)207 542 4214,, both of Thomson Reuters; Pictures contact: Jassim Ahmad, Head of Visual Projects, +44 20 7542 2822;; Paul Conneally, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Head of Media and Public Communications, +41(0)22.730.4669 / +41(0)79.3089809,
R. Kelly's 'Untitled' Is The No. 1 R&B Album In The Country
'Untitled' Is the Grammy-winning Singer/Songwriter/Producer's Fourth No.1 Debut On The R&B/Hip-Hop Albums Chart
NEW YORK, Dec. 14 /PRNewswire/ -- This week, R. Kelly dominates the R&B albums chart with his tenth solo album, Untitled debuting at No. 1 on Billboard's R&B/Hip-Hop Albums chart. This marks the prolific singer/songwriter/producer's fourth No. 1 R&B album debut, following R. Kelly (1995), R.(1998) and TP-2.COM (2000).
Untitled (Jive Records) also debuted in the Top 5 on Billboard's Top 200 Albums chart and has spawned three singles to date including the record-breaking "Number One" (<-- Click on link to stream) featuring Keri Hilson, "Religious" (<-- Click on link to stream) and "Echo"(<-- Click on link to stream). Cumulatively, the songs have sold over 400K digital and mobile units.
Kelly's new album is receiving rave reviews: Rolling Stone observes, "Kelly shows why he's still the master." USA Today gives the album "3 out of 4 stars." Billboard adds, "[w]ith 18 years and counting under his belt, the singer/songwriter reminds us why he remains an R&B force."
The Chicago native's remarkable career spans two decades filled with accomplishments and achievements. He has sold over 34 millions records worldwide, released seven No. 1 albums (including Untitled), twelve platinum-plus selling albums and had eleven No. 1 singles. He has released fourteen albums total, including compilations and collaborations, and nine platinum-certified solo albums. He has collaborated and written songs for musical icons from all genres including: Michael Jackson, Mary J. Blige, Pussycat Dolls, Usher and Celine Dion. After 18 years of stardom, Kelly continues to wear the crown as the King of R&B.
Kelly just wrapped up his successful "Ladies Make Some Noise!" tour in St. Louis MO.
Source: Jive Records
CONTACT: Wendy Washington, +1-212-833-6886,, or Tice Merriweather, +1-212-833-6479,
Leading gaming manufacturer IGT partners with HBO® on new slot machine based on the award-winning series from the network
(Reno, Nev. - Dec. 4, 2009) /PRNewswire/ — Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, Charlotte and Mr. Big are making their fabulous mark on casino floors in the new Sex and the City™ slot machine from IGT. The HBO television series that's become a pop culture phenomenon now wears the MegaJackpots® label, and has been accessorized with IGT's popular Multi-Level Progressives and MultiPLAY game functionality. Officially licensed by HBO Licensing & Retail, the Sex and the City™ slot machines are now available in Las Vegas and Reno, Nev., and will soon make their way into the hottest casinos across the country.
The Sex and the City™ slot machine offers a chance at five progressive jackpots and four bonus games. With each bonus game, players will get to watch their favorite video clips, like "Hello, lover!" from the HBO series. Plus, Mr. Big himself talks players through the bonus games, cheers them on and congratulates them on their wins. This slot machine is packed with everyone's favorite things from the Sex and the City® series – right down to the music, the colors, the girls, the clothes – and of course, Mr. Big.
In addition, the Sex and the City™ slot theme uses MultiPLAY functionality, giving players the option of playing the game up to four times, simultaneously, with different outcomes on the same machine. MultiPLAY means more ways to win.
"We are excited about our partnership with IGT on the Sex and the City™ slot machine," said James Costos, vice president, HBO Licensing & Retail. "We made sure the game would resonate with fans by including iconic moments and quotes from the series, including everyone's favorite Carrie mantra that is repeated by devotees around the world – 'hello lover'."
To find out where to play the new Sex and the City™ slot machine, visit
International Game Technology ( is a global company specializing in the design, development, manufacturing, distribution, and sales of computerized gaming machines and network systems products.
HBO Licensing & Retail officially licenses the HBO® brand for the development and merchandising of innovative product lines inspired by the network's award-winning programming. With products created around classic series like The Sopranos® and Sex and the City® to current hits like True Blood®, Entourage® and Flight of the ConchordsSM, items including fashion apparel, jewelry, digital and CD soundtracks, books as well as exclusive, premium collections in partnership with upscale, designer brands are reflective of the popularity and originality of the programs and their mass appeal. Merchandise can be purchased in retail stores, at, and at the groundbreaking HBO retail hub, the HBO Shop®, located at 42nd and 6th Avenue in New York City. HBO Licensing & Retail products are also sold internationally across Europe, Asia and Australia.
It only takes $5 spent on others to make you happier on a given day, according to a 2008 study. And selfless acts can also help your marriage become a more enjoyable experience for you and your spouse.
After performing good deeds, people are happier and feel their life has more purpose. But is the act selfless if you expect something in return? Maybe it just depends on how you look at it. ~ Greg Soltis
Charity is the key to happy relationships.
If you want to be happy in your love life, avoid going out with the miser or stingy person.
The guy who spends more on a babe than on the needy is NOT GOOD FOR YOU. The guy who does more than giving alms to the beggars on the street and goes the extra mile of paying the school fees of an indigent pupil or student is a better person to go out with.
The babe who would prefer that you starve your brother so that you can spend that extra cash to tickle her egos and fancies at Collectibles is BAD FOR YOU.
Video: Avon Global Ambassador Reese Witherspoon Signs Petition To Call for Better Services for Women Experiencing Domestic Violence
Reese Witherspoon, Global Ambassador for Avon, headlined a press conference at the House of Commons today to promote a powerful new campaign against domestic violence. The campaign has been launched jointly by Avon Cosmetics and Refuge...
Reese Witherspoon supports Avon and Refuge's groundbreaking new campaign at the Houses of Parliament
London, December 02, 2009 /PRNewswire/ — Reese Witherspoon, Global Ambassador for Avon, headlined a press conference at the House of Commons today to promote a powerful new campaign against domestic violence. The campaign has been launched jointly by Avon Cosmetics and Refuge, the national domestic violence charity. The event saw Reese Witherspoon become the 1353rd person to sign a petition to call for more Government support for women experiencing domestic violence in the UK.
The event marks the mid-point in "16 Days of Activism" which began on November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
Avon and Refuge's FOUR WAYS TO SPEAK OUT campaign urges people to speak out against domestic violence in four simple ways:
Buy and wear an Avon empowerment necklace Sign a petition calling for the UK Government to provide more support services for abused women and children Download a poster to display in your local community so that women know where to get help Invite your friends and family to join the campaign A team of powerful female panellists joined Reese Witherspoon at the event. She sat alongside Anna Segatti, President of Avon UK and Sandra Horley, Chief Executive of Refuge. Baroness Helena Kennedy QC, a human rights barrister and Patron of Refuge opened the speeches for the morning and domestic violence survivor, Wendy Turner Webster, joined the panel to tell her own story. Lynda Waltho MP acted as the host.
Says Reese Witherspoon, Avon's Global Ambassador: "Women involved in domestic violence situations often find it difficult to reach out to others for help. We can all play a role in bringing this issue to light and breaking the silence that surrounds it. That's why I'm so proud to be here to launch Avon and Refuge's FOUR WAYS TO SPEAK OUT campaign. Together we can make a difference. Together we have the power to raise awareness, provide support, and increase the funding for this vital cause."
Also announced at today's conference are the results of new research commissioned by Avon and Refuge into perceptions of domestic violence in the UK, which reveals more than nine in 10 people (92%) claim they don't know anyone experiencing domestic violence. That's despite official statistics showing that one in four women in England and Wales experience domestic violence at some point in their lifetime. The research also shows over half of the people questioned (54%) wouldn't know where to turn if they did suspect someone they knew was experiencing domestic violence.
Says Anna Segatti, President of Avon UK: "As the company for women, empowering women by supporting vital causes like this is part of our DNA. It's an ugly reality that domestic violence affects one in four women in the UK and the majority of people who think they know someone experiencing domestic violence wouldn't know where to turn because the services simply aren't there. Today's event gives something tangible to all those women and men who are either not aware of this silent pandemic or would not know where to turn if they thought someone was suffering."
Says Sandra Horley, OBE, Chief Executive of Refuge: "It's a shocking fact that one in three local authorities provide no domestic violence services for women whatsoever. Where are abused women supposed to go to get help? What can they do? To whom can they turn? Refuge and Avon have launched this campaign to urge the Government to put an end to this postcode lottery, and to raise awareness of the huge issue of domestic violence. Everyone everywhere must speak out. By failing to speak out against domestic violence, we make ourselves part of the problem.
"Refuge is incredibly grateful to Avon for its unstinting support over the last two years. In this current economic climate, where many corporates are tightening the purse strings, it is a huge reassurance to have such a dedicated partner. With Avon's help we have been able to reach many more women and children living in the terrifying grip of domestic violence."
Avon has supported Refuge for the last two years, donating 80% of the UK proceeds of its empowerment necklace and bracelet to support services for abused women and children. The remaining 20% is donated to UNIFEM in the UK. Worldwide sales have raised $8.1 million, which has gone towards funding programmes in 53 countries. Avon UK has pledged to more than double its support for domestic violence charities in 2010.
Contacts: Avon Products, Inc. Natalie Deacon +44 (0)7725 150853 Elizabeth P. Bergman 212.282.8197
FREDERICK’S OF HOLLYWOOD “GODDESS-WORTHY” GIFT GUIDE: Lingerie Experts Give the Sexy Scoop on Four Glam Gifts Under $40!
HOLLYWOOD, CA, December 1, 2009 /PRNewswire/ — There’s a goddess in all of us and this year insiders from Frederick’s of Hollywood are giving exclusive tips on gifts under $40! From classic to daring, sexy to sweet, Frederick’s lingerie experts have the perfect Holiday finds for everyone on your list!
Frederick’s of Hollywood Designer: Zebra is the Hot Animal Print this Holiday Season The trendy animal print of choice this holiday season is definitely zebra! A zebra print plush robe ($39) embellished with Bombshell Pink trim is the perfect idea for a girl who loves color and pattern. I like to pair it with a Satin PJ set for a complete look.
Frederick’s of Hollywood Associate Buyer: Sexy Satin is Classic EVERY girl loves something soft on her skin and a Satin PJ set ($39) is a classic style. The tap pant, part of the three-piece set, is a good way to update the look and makes it sexier. For a sexy, bold statement I think “Frederick’s Red” is a great color choice.
Frederick’s of Hollywood Senior Buyer: Lingerie Lovers LOVE Matching Sets Matching sets create a full, sexy look from head toe. My favorite is the retro inspired Pin-Up Chic set ($40). Pops of Bombshell Pink, a nice alternative to red, make it sassy, sexy and wearable beyond the holiday season.
Frederick’s of Hollywood Creative Director: Sexy Stocking Stuffers Are a MUST! Boy shorts are fun and flirty, plus they make great stocking stuffers. The “Ellie” (4 for $25) is an ideal style choice for an array of body types and brightens up the stocking by adding colors and patterns.
Frederick’s of Hollywood Group Inc. (NYSE Amex: FOH) conducts its business through two operating divisions: the multi-channel retail division and the wholesale division. For over 60 years, Frederick’s of Hollywood retail has been the leader in pioneering innovative, alluring lingerie. With more than 130 boutique stores nationwide, a world-famous catalog and an online shop, Frederick’s of Hollywood has been recognized as one of the world’s most well known brands. For more information, visit
Press Contact: Jennifer Cornwall 323-957-5838 Candice Valencia 323.957.5887
Video: 'Project Runway' Designer Launches New Video in Online Series on World AIDS Day to Educate About Living with HIV and AIDS and to Help Combat HIV Stigma
Jack Mackenroth interviews influential HIV and AIDS advocates for 'Living Positive By Design: Creating Positive Conversations' video series
NEW YORK, Dec. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Today on World AIDS Day, Jack Mackenroth, from the hit reality television series "Project Runway," has launched the next video in the online video series called "Living Positive By Design: Creating Positive Conversations" as part of the national HIV and AIDS education initiative, Living Positive By Design. The campaign, supported by Merck & Co., Inc., aims to encourage thoughtful conversations about HIV and AIDS, to confront HIV stigma and motivate HIV-positive people to have a positive outlook on life while effectively managing their disease.
To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
"Today on World AIDS Day, it is important for people living with HIV to have a positive outlook on life while effectively managing their disease. That's why for the past year, I have partnered with Merck on Living Positive By Design, which seeks to combat the stigma associated with the disease," said Mackenroth. "Having lived with HIV and AIDS myself for more than 20 years, World AIDS Day is a special day, and it gives me hope to think about how far we've come in treatment and research since the very first World AIDS Day."
The next video in the "Living Positive By Design: Creating Positive Conversations" will be available for download on World AIDS Day. The video features Jack interviewing Dr. Michael Gottlieb, Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at the UCLA School of Medicine; Marjorie J. Hill, PhD, Chief Executive Officer of Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC); and Robert Walker, creator of the comic book, "O+ Men." The video features each of these influential individuals in the HIV and AIDS landscape discussing the important initiatives and achievements that they have been a part of in the fight against the disease.
To download the "Living Positive By Design: Creating Positive Conversations" video and widget featuring the World AIDS Day interviews, and to learn more about the campaign, please visit:
Prevalence of HIV and AIDS
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2006 there were more than one million Americans living with HIV and AIDS. In the same year, an estimated 56,000 new cases were diagnosed in the U.S. Forty-nine percent of new diagnoses were among African Americans and 50 percent were among men who have sex with men (MSM).
About Merck
Merck & Co., Inc. is a global research-driven pharmaceutical company dedicated to putting patients first. Established in 1891, Merck currently discovers, develops, manufactures and markets vaccines and medicines to address unmet medical needs. The Company devotes extensive efforts to increase access to medicines through far-reaching programs that not only donate Merck medicines but help deliver them to the people who need them. Merck also publishes unbiased health information as a not-for-profit service. For more information, visit
Forward-looking statement
This press release contains "forward-looking statements" as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are based on management's current expectations and involve risks and uncertainties, which may cause results to differ materially from those set forth in the statements. The forward-looking statements may include statements regarding product development, product potential or financial performance. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed and actual results may differ materially from those projected. Merck undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. Forward-looking statements in this press release should be evaluated together with the many uncertainties that affect Merck's business, particularly those mentioned in the risk factors and cautionary statements in Item 1A of Merck's Form 10-K for the year ended Dec. 31, 2008, and in any risk factors or cautionary statements contained in the Company's periodic reports on Form 10-Q or current reports on Form 8-K, which the Company incorporates by reference.