There is something that God said in the Holy Bible.
He said that if you say you love God and you hate your brother, you are a liar.
"If a person says, "I love God," but that person hates his brother or sister in Christ, then that person is a liar. That person can see his brother, but hates him. So, that person cannot love God, because, he has never seen God." 2 JOHN 4:20.
But, many of us are guilty of this sin in so many ways in our lip service to God, playing church. From the usher to the minister.
The miserable poor people in church are still there and most of us have not done much to help them. Please, to understand this message, read MATTHEW 25:34-46 of the KJV Holy Bible.
People often will give all the money they have to the church, but they cannot even give ten dollars to their poor brother or sister. And they will even tell you, "I cannot give you this money that I am going to contribute to our church project. Sorry, I don't have another sum of money to spare." But, it is a lie! And they will go to church to fool themselves thinking they can fool God. The offerings of hypocrites are abominations unto the Lord God. But, the equally hypocritical crook and rogue claiming to be a pastor or bishop will collect all the ill-gotten money and gifts and use them to enrich himself and family. Hypocrites and parasites posing and posturing to be Christians and pious people of God. But they don't know him.
Most churches don't like to see poor people coming to their church. They prefer to see the rich and mighty parking their posh cars to come into the church. Because, they are already counting all the sums of money they can get from the rich and mighty people coming to their church.
Many churches have become trade fairs and fund raising centres.
If you don't love your fellow human being as your love yourself, you don't know God.
It is wicked to make things difficult for others. Because, it is very evil to frustrate others and to discourage them in their efforts to earn their means of decent livelihood and to be of benefit to their family and community.
We must do all we can do to make life better and comfortable for our fellow human beings.
To deprive others of the means and opportunities for better and comfortable life is an evil and wicked thing to do.
Whoever is cheating, exploiting, robing, discouraging and frustrating others is not different from the devil and such an evil person is even worse than Osama bin Laden. And these evil and wicked devils are among us in our homes, workplaces, in churches, mosques, shrines, streets, roads, alleys and other places, mingling with us and doing more harm than good to the rest of us. Wolves in sheep clothing.
If we could only oblige to do our best to help others as much as we help ourselves to succeed, the world would be more beautiful and wonderful for the common good of everyone, regardless of your race, religion or class.
We must humble ourselves to care for everyone and love everyone.
Everybody is somebody.